Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas everyone:)

Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since I've blogged:O I've spent the last week at my parents for the holidays and they don't even have dial up anymore. Wow, how do they survive:P You also won't believe this, I didn't check my e-mail or even get on a computer for three days:) Crazy huh???? I've had an amazing week though, hanging with friends and spending quality time with family. On Christmas Eve I had the opportunity to do a photo shoot with three of the cutest kids:) I use to baby sit Stephanie and now she's in Highschool. Tooooo weird. Any ways, they were a joy and delight to be around and I laughed so hard when photographing them. The little one, Tony, is a handful and has so much energy so I would have him run, roll down hills, and jump on his brother and sister. That did the trick and we all had a blast:)

Well I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and I look forward to the New Year and all the amazing things that are going to happen:)


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