Love of her life:)
So yesterday I had the oppertunity to photograph Marie (one of my best friends) and the love of her life. I lived with Marie for two years while attending Brooks and I always remember her saying that she never thought she was going to get married and if by chance she happened to meet someone then she would just get married in Vegas. I would always joke with her and say "hey that's fine just give me a 24 hour notice and I will be there":)
Well now she is talking about having 200 guests when she gets married. I am sooooo happy for her, for she has met an amazing guy who treats her like a princess. SHe is so happy and it just made my day to see her filled with so much joy:) I was smiling the whole time that i was with them, they truly are an incredible couple who I love dearly. Here are a couple images. Also a big hug and thank you to Janey who video taped the whole thing for me. Girl you are amazing and I don't know what I would do without you:) Love ya!!!!

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