So tonight I shot a wedding with Mary Jane and it was wonderful like always. However, I had the funniest thing happen to me. Actually, at the time it wasn't that funny. Anyways, as most of you know I was raised in the country and am a country girl at heart in many ways:) However, I HATE bugs WITH A PASSION, especially spiders.
The story begins:)............ It was about half way through the reception, which was outside, and something starts to tickle my back. At first I thought it was the tag on my sweater and didn't think anything of it. About five minutes later something starts to tickle me again and I think to myself IT CAN'T BE A BUG (deep down inside I knew it was, aaaaaahhhh). The worse thing about it was that it was under my sweater on me. I quickly smashed it and soon realized that whatever freaky creature was crawling on me was smashed under my sweater. SICK!!!!! I quickly spotted Janey, ran over to her and start to frantically tell her that there's a bug under my sweater. She runs her hand over my back and realizes that whatever is under my sweater is HUGE. SHe lifts the sweater and goes ummmmm there is nothing there. At that moment we look down and guess what we saw???? Yep, the biggest bug ever. At that moment I almost passed out... Later on in the evening we were looking at the DJ, which is where I had been standing when the little creature decided to invade my personal space and at the moment a big bug hit him on the side of the face. Janey almost lost it and started laughing soooo hard. She went up to him because I am sure it looked a little awkward that we were staring at him laughing and he said the bugs were wine bugs. WHATEVER THAT IS!!!!!! All I know is that I hate bugs even more, and all night I felt like something was crawling on me.

The story begins:)............ It was about half way through the reception, which was outside, and something starts to tickle my back. At first I thought it was the tag on my sweater and didn't think anything of it. About five minutes later something starts to tickle me again and I think to myself IT CAN'T BE A BUG (deep down inside I knew it was, aaaaaahhhh). The worse thing about it was that it was under my sweater on me. I quickly smashed it and soon realized that whatever freaky creature was crawling on me was smashed under my sweater. SICK!!!!! I quickly spotted Janey, ran over to her and start to frantically tell her that there's a bug under my sweater. She runs her hand over my back and realizes that whatever is under my sweater is HUGE. SHe lifts the sweater and goes ummmmm there is nothing there. At that moment we look down and guess what we saw???? Yep, the biggest bug ever. At that moment I almost passed out... Later on in the evening we were looking at the DJ, which is where I had been standing when the little creature decided to invade my personal space and at the moment a big bug hit him on the side of the face. Janey almost lost it and started laughing soooo hard. She went up to him because I am sure it looked a little awkward that we were staring at him laughing and he said the bugs were wine bugs. WHATEVER THAT IS!!!!!! All I know is that I hate bugs even more, and all night I felt like something was crawling on me.

Oh gross!!!! I'm with you on hating bugs!!! That thing is huge!!!
Once I had a HUGE daddy long leg crawl up my shirt!! AHH!!!
I'm still light headed:)
Sarah if I had a daddy long leg climb up my arm, my heart would have stopped forsure!!!!
woah that thing is huge.....i dont like bugs myself, good to know you didn't actually pass out though that would have been potentially very bad!
HaHaHa....Aims you crack me up!
It makes me luv ya even more! ;)
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