Needing attention and love:)

So I've been helping out with Junior highers for about 2 years now and every time I start to think "oh I don't have enough time to help out anymore" some junior higher or high schooler asks to hang out with me or I hear some crazy story about a junior higher and what they are going through. Being picked on at school, taken out of their home and put in another foster home, or not feeling loved at home are some of the many things that I hear. Some of these parents seriously don't deserve these kids. They don't spend anytime with them at all. Why have kids if you're not going to pour your heart and sole into them. Even tonight I seriously sat back and thought could I adopt you?? Because I really want to. My heart goes out to these children and I know that my time helping out with junior highers is not over and it's just begun. I know that I am there for a reason and I am going to make a more conscience effort to hang out with these kids.
SO I started thinking, I want four kids so why not adopt two..... Would you adopt, and if so what age???????
I would totally adopt...... should the Lord will that I do so.
If He does speak that I should adopt I will leave the age up to Him. After all He knows what I can handle better than I do so I'll leave all the hard stuff up to Him. :-)
I have friends that adopted two kids, a one year old girl from China and a four year old boy from Taiwan on top of their already five kids and two dogs! The Lord told them to do it so they obeyed. God is Awesome!!!
Who's the baby?????
I agree, the Lord totally knows what's best for you. He has also been showing me lately that there is a reason for everything and he doesn't give you beyond what you can handel.
Your friends must be super amazing people/parents:)
All of my friends have been having babies lately so the precious baby gilr belongs to one of my friends:)
Adopting is something I think a lot about. For all the children who lack a loving family, I'd love to open my arms and love them the way they're supposed to loved. BTW, you'd make a great mom! :)
My husband and I are working on our Home Study to adopt a baby...we should have a little one by Christmas! Very exciting. It's something we have been praying about for a LONG time.
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