That's what friends do:)

So tonight we had our Santa Barbara PUG (Pictage User Group) meeting. SInce our fearless leader David Jay was in Italy, he assigned me to be the temporary leader until he gets back:) I was a little nervous because I wanted everything to be PERFECT, since it always is when DJ is there. So I went over to his place a day early just to clean it and make sure everything was in order. However, I didn't get to finish everything that day so Janey called me today and said hey I'm gonna go with you and help get everything ready for today. It was sooooooo cute. Seriously, she didn't have to do that. Janey is one of those friends who is not only there through the good times, but the bad, ugly, and dirty:) LOL..... Even through hard times, she calls or comes over and just listens. It hit me today, sersiouly that's what friends do. They go out of their way to help their close friends, even when they are tired, and worn out. What's so crazy is Janey just flew in yesterday and is extremely tired I am sure but she still went out of her way, and I love that about her:)
Then there's JT, who is on vacation but right away started to take out trash and then started dusting. WOW, I'm impressed:) JT, I think you need to visit SB alot more:)
Bruce also helped out a lot. He is visiting from Arizona and right away he asked, what can I do. He was so nice and I really enjoyed talking to him and hearing about his business. We'll definitely have to chat some more tomorrow at lunch, can't wait:)
SO a big thank you to Janey, Jefferson Todd and Bruce for making our SB pug meeting so clean (LOL) and soooooo enjoyable:)
Anyways, the PUG meeting was soooo much fun. we got to look at the new Pictage proofs and then we all just hungout and talked about our businesses. We had like four new faces join our group, which was great and they were all sooooooo nice. I love our PUG group and I look forward to it every month. Can't wait for July!!!!!!
You are amazing!
I second that! You are incredible amy nave!
I miss you loads!
Amy, if I have a PUG meeting at my house, can I assign you as leader? ;)
BTW, any time you want to shoot together, gimme a call and we'll have soooo much fun!! That is, of course, if Janey doesn't mind sharing you :)
Last night was great. Thanks for coming over to clean and for leaving all of those cookies!
See ya at lunch!
Amy -- I want to be a Santa Barbara Pug person too! You guys always have so much fun - no matter what you are doing -- riding hotdogs, chasing dust bunnies or designing albums. I can't wait to see you on the 4th and bring your dancing shoes for the 3rd!!!!!! Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait.
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