Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Family Photos:)

For as long as I can remember my mom makes us take a family photo each year so she can send our family photos in each of her Christmas cards. This year my sister and I gave her a really hard time and we told her that we didn't think we'd have time and that we should take individual pictures and then she could send those instead. I think she almost cried and had a heart attack. We live to give her a hard time, but that only means we love her:) We tell her well you better get your family pictures now becasue once we're married it's going to get harder and harder to get us all together:) LOL..... So this afternoon we took our yearly family picture. My sister's roommate, Jessie, took them for us and she did a great job. I feel bad because she had to witness the fighting of who's going to sit in front and who gets to hide behind the other person. All I know is that when my sister and I get together our age drops 10 years. Oh sisters...........

Here's a couple shots from today:)

P.S. Yes my mom made us color coordinate. This year it was the color brown:)


Blogger Dream Photography said...

beautiful family !

8:23 PM  

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